
an inside glimpse of my home

Kids Art Studio

When our family purchased our 1920’s Colonial, the basement was anything but vintage chic. It had horrible acoustic tile ceilings, exposed pipes, and an old sticky vinyl floor. But at roughly 450 square feet, it was potential space for two little budding artists (and a chance to hide shoes, coats, and laundry). Removing the tiles and old wires allowed me to paint the entire space (pipes, beams and walls) white. It’s clearly a lively children’s workspace. Reid and Ruby’s artwork—hung from Ikea picture rails and curtain rods with clips — fills the room with vibrant color. In this electronics-free zone, the kids paint, draw, and play games at their white craft table. Featured often on Houzz.com and published in The Boston Globe.

Jessica Delaney Photography


Fresh and Airy in Melrose


Back Bay Modern