Is an Interior Designer Right for You and Your Home Project?

If you do not have the time, vision, or inclination to plan and implement your home project, or if you are looking to be more educated about the value of an Interior Design firm’s knowledge and capabilities, I am here to fill you in.

Assess Your Goals for Your Home

As a homeowner, it is important to take a step back and look at the way you live and consider your future goals for your home project, whether it is your full time home or vacation home. Spend time as a family unit to analyze how you want your home to look and feel, and discuss key scope essentials, like how different spaces may need to function. During our inquiry onboarding process, we will begin to dive into this scope with you, and discuss your hopes and dreams for your home.

Consider How You Want to Invest in Your Home

The biggest drain on a project can be when a client does not fully trust and value what the Interior Designer brings to the table. As I mentioned in our recent blog post about making a thoughtful furnishings investment, it is important to know that you are not only investing in goods for your home, but also in your designer’s years of experience in designing, planning and orchestrating projects. It is so critical that our clients understand that our best work is the result of a trusted relationship.

Evaluate Your Desired Level of Involvement

Often in our inquiry process, we find out that a potential client may want to be super hands-on and part of every decision along the way, rather than trusting in the process until the presentation. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal situation for the designer or the client, but we always listen to each and every inquiry with an open mind and educate our potential clients on what we do.

So, who wants to drive the proverbial "design process bus”? If it's you, then an Interior Designer may not be the best fit for your project. If you have the mindset that you want to entrust your budget and goals with a professional firm, however, then hiring an Interior Designer will be the absolute best investment you will make in your new home, renovation or furnishings project.

If you would like some support creating your happiest home, we would love to help. Reach out and let's get to know each other.




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